* Simple way to concatination two string
* we have to use + to concatinate two string
console.log("My name is " + "Riaj Ahmed");
// We can do it useing variable on one side.
var name = "Riaj Ahmed";
console.log("My name is " + name);
// We can use concatination useing variable on two side of +
var firsName = "Riaj";
var lastName = "Ahmed";
console.log("Full Name:" + " " + firsName + lastName); // For blanck space " " can be used.
// Other use of concantrate
var num1 = 30;
var num2 = 40;
console.log( "First Number is " + num1 + " and Second Number is " + num2 + ".");
// Concatenate with function
var text1 = "Honesty ";
var text2 = "is the best policy.";
var text = text1.concat(text2);
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