Complete Command Prompt /CMD /Windows Terminal Tutorial – Compile C in CMD

cmd codesexplanationexample
dirTo see the list of the directory in the same directory
cdchange directory
mkdir nameOfFolderto make a folder
cd go back to previous folder/directory
cd ../ go to the root directory
rmdirto remove a directory/folder without file to text included
cd (Press Tab Here)change directory easily by pressing Tab and watching folder name
cd b(press Tab Here)change directory easily by pressing Tab and watching folder name searching with the beginning letter
rmdir /s folderNameremove the folder with files included
echo >a.txtcrate a txt file named a
echo writeSomeText > b.txtcreate a text file named b including some text
b.txtopen b.txt file with cmd
writeNewText > b.txtwrite new text replacing the existing text/content
echo newTextToAdd >> b.txtwrite new texts without replacing existing text/ content
copy a.txt b.txtto copy text from a.txt to b.txt file
move b.txt new.txtto move b.txt file to new.txt and delete b.txt ifle
nameSoft –versionTo know the version of a installed software
cmd codes with explanation

If you want to more abut the code of cmd , you can go to the following link and download the pdf book.

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